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Reged: 05/29/03
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Loc: Deep beneath Vvardenfell
Elder Scrolls Lore FAQ
      #1892557 - 10/24/03 12:06 AM

1. What are the Elder Scrolls?

These powerful tools of prophecy and divination, the prize of the Empire, tell of every event that ever has or will have happened. The Cyrodilic Moth priests, who are their keepers, invoke the Elder Scrolls by ritually attuning them to a specific time or space and attempt to interpret the glyphs that form upon their surface.

The Scrolls are believed to be kept in the Imperial City and may be stored in the Hall Of Records, which may form part of the Imperial Palace.

The Moth priests belong to a monastic order founded by Tiber Septim and dedicated to the god Julianos, the Cyrodilic Divine whose sphere is 'literature, law, history, and contradiction'.


2. What is the Elder Scrolls game world called?

The world itself is known by many names but the most commonly used are Nirn or the Mundus. Both of these describe the plane or planet of mortal experience, upon which the Elder Scrolls games are set. The name Nirn means ‘Arena’ in an ancient tongue, called Ehlnofex, and relates to the notion that the mortal world has always been the focus of immortal rivalries.


3. Are there other worlds then?

Yes many. Other worlds are the realms of various immortals, many of whom are revered as gods by different mortal cultures. The immortals and their worlds tend to be categorised as relating to either Aetherius (the ‘plane of magic’) or Oblivion.

You can begin to learn more about Nirn and other worlds from the official source, Elder Scrolls Cosmology

from the game book, On Oblivion

from the unofficial study, An Introduction To The Wheel

and from the site, Academy for Dwemer Studies: Planets.


4. Where exactly is Morrowind?

Morrowind, the home of the Dunmer or ‘Dark Elves’, is the most north-easterly territory of the continent of Tamriel. It is divided between the continental mainland and Vvardenfell, a sub-continental island surrounded by the Inner Sea, an inlet issuing from the Sea of Ghosts to the north. Vvardenfell is the setting for the game TESIII: Morrowind, which takes place during the Third Era when Morrowind is a province of the Cyrodilic Empire.

You can study some maps of Morrowind and the rest of Tamriel at the sites,

Aldrien’s Chalice

The Imperial Library

World of Tamriel: Geography

and you can learn more about the geography of Morrowind from the official source, Savant’s Note On Vvardenfell

and from the unofficial report, Morrowind Geographic Survey.


5. Are there other continents or lands apart from Tamriel?

It is generally agreed that there are, or have been, five continents or lands besides Tamriel.

  • Akavir – home to demon and beast races that have designs on Tamriel, this large continent is east of Tamriel.

  • Atmora – harsh and frozen birth place of the Nord race, which lies north of Tamriel.

  • Pyandonea – home of the Maormer or Tropical Elves, this is a land far to the south of the Summurset Isles, the most southern territory of Tamriel.

  • Thras – domain of the Sload race. Sometimes described as ‘the coral kingdoms’, this land is said to have risen out of the Abecean sea between Tamriel and Yokuda. Whether it continues to exist in the Third Era is disputed.

  • Yokuda – lost continent from which the Redguard race originated. It was somewhere west of Tamriel before the Redguard apparently destroyed it during the First Era.

    You can learn more about these other continents and lands from the game books,

    Mysterious Akavir

    The Pocket Guide To The Empire: The Wild Regions.

    6. What is known about different races?

    Races are numerous and diverse upon Nirn. Most can be classified as either civilized or uncivilized, although the boundary between these categories can become blurred, usually by ignorance and prejudice.

    The list of civilized races includes most of those that can be further classed as hominids, usually men or mer (‘Elves’ in the common parlance of men, lit. ‘Folk’ or ‘Ones’), but should also include certain of those races commonly referred to as betmer or ‘beastfolk’, such as Argonians, the lizard people of Black Marsh.

    Here is quick look at the known civilized races of Tamriel:

  • Aldmer (Elder Folk) – depending upon its context, this term is used to describe either all mer collectively as a distinct racial grouping or the original progenitors of all mer that first settled Tamriel in the Merethic Era. In the latter sense, Aldmer are frequently identified with Altmer, who continue to inhabit the earliest elven homelands of Tamriel and try to preserve their original racial purity.

  • Altmer (High Elves) – the golden-skinned mer of the Summurset Isles (2E part of the Aldmeri Dominion) the original homeland of Tamrielic Aldmer. They consider themselves to be both the purest strain of mer in Tamriel and its most civilized race. Altmeri culture is deeply traditional, highly organised and exclusive, preferring little contact with ‘lesser’ races of mer and men. Altmer show a great propensity for magic and much of their culture is founded upon use of the arcane.

  • Argonians (People Of The Root) – the lizard people of Argonia, the marshland expanse of far south-eastern Tamriel (Imp. Province of Black Marsh). Sadly, little is known about either their history or culture, but it is clear that Argonians are intelligent and agile, adapted for life on land or in water, and show an aptitude for magic.

    You can learn more about Argonians at the site, The House Of Ral-Jiktar.

  • Ayleids (Wild Elves) – these reclusive mer are reputed to inhabit the wild areas of every region of Tamriel. They isolate themselves from all other races, even Altmer, preferring to maintain an exclusively Ayleidic, traditional culture that is removed from and alien to the mainstream of Tamriel.

    You can learn more about Ayleids from the game book, On Wild Elves.

  • Bosmer (Tree-Sap People, Green or Forest Folk, Wood Elves) – tan-skinned inhabitants of the dense rain forests of Valenwood (2E part of the Aldmeri Dominion) in south-west Tamriel. Their society is clan based and largely informal; Bosmer care little for most of the civilized trappings of other Tamrielic cultures, preferring to live harmoniously with their natural surroundings.

  • Bretons – a diverse, hominid race native to the region of High Rock in north-west Tamriel. Their fragmented society is violently sectarian and, before Imperial domination in the Third Era, comprised many rival city kingdoms that warred with each other regularly. Bretons are likely to have originated in the late Merethic or early First Era, from interbreeding between Altmer, who then dominated High Rock, and Nedic (early men) settlers. It is likely to be this part-Altmeri lineage that has gifted Bretons with their great affinity for magic.

  • Chimer (Changed Ones, People Of The North) – a tribe of Aldmer who undertook the Velothi exodus from the Summurset Isles, during the Merethic Era, after assuming religious beliefs based upon the veneration of Daedra Princes. They settled in the land now known as Morrowind where they eventually became the Dunmer.

    You can learn more about the origins of the Chimer from the game book, The Changed Ones.

  • Cyrodiils (Imperials, Men) – the modern descendants of Merethic Era Nedic (proto-Cyrodiil) and First Era Nord (Cyro-Nord) settlers who thrived in the Nibenay and Colovian interior regions of Tamriel that are now known as Cyrodiil. The Heartlanders, as they are also known, have a long and rich heritage and a highly developed society. Third Era Cyrodilic Emperors of Tamriel have ruled the continent for over four hundred years, since the conquest of Tiber Septim (see question 8. below).

    You can learn more about the origins of Cyrodiils from the game book, Frontier, Conquest, and Accommodation: A Social History of Cyrodiil.

  • Dunmer (Dark or Cursed Ones, Dark Elves) – the dark-skinned mer native to volcanic Morrowind in the north-east of Tamriel. They have a strictly hierarchical society based upon their organization into settled Great Houses, although a few nomadic tribes remain in northern Vvardenfell. Dunmer are regarded suspiciously by other races, but Dunmeri culture is colorful and vibrant, albeit somewhat cool towards foreigners or ‘outlanders’ as they are known.

    You can learn more about Dunmeri culture from the game book, Great Houses of Morrowind.

  • Dwemer (Deep Folk, Dwarves) – although widely used, the term ‘dwarves’ is a misnomer, the Dwemer were actually of average hominid height. They formed close knit communities in subterranean dwellings across Tamriel. Dwemeri society was highly organised and based upon their common passions for logic and ‘technological’ innovation. Almost the entire race mysteriously disappeared during the Battle of Red Mountain (ca.1E700, see question 13. below).

    You can learn more about Dwemer from the game books, Ancient Tales Of The Dwemer

    from the unofficial reports,

    The Definitive Guide To Dwemer

    The Mystery of the Dwemer

    Dwemer Energy Study

    and from the site, Academy for Dwemer Studies.

  • Ehlnofey – believed by many to be one of the earliest mortal races upon Nirn and ancestors of both men and mer. However, Ehlnofey can be translated as ‘Earth Bones’ and, as such, the term is often used to describe the mythic foundations of the mortal plane itself, created by a sacrificial transition which certain immortals reputedly undertook during the Dawn Era. Altmer specifically revere these immortals as Aedra, that is, ‘our ancestors’.

    You can learn more about the Ehlnofey and the possible origins of mortals from the game book, The Annotated Anuad

    and from the official source, The Dawn Era.

  • Falmer (Snow or Ice Elves) – these legendary mer are reputed to have once inhabited the cold wastes of northern Tamriel. They feature in Nord folklore, but there are no modern accounts of them and they are widely believed to be now extinct. One myth holds that they were exterminated by the Nords of Skyrim, during the reign of King Vrage the Gifted (ca.1E230), while another suggests that the last of the Falmer were killed by the Nords of Solstheim.

  • Hist – ‘The Anuad’ (see Ehlnofey above) portrays the Hist as an ancient, sentient race of trees; a distinct racial group that coexisted with the Ehlnofey in the Dawn Era. Argonians hold the Hist to be sacred, but it is difficult to say whether they venerate them in the same way that men, and even mer, worship gods. To Argonians, the Hist appear to represent life, as both the wellspring of life and the guardians of their life cycle.

    You can learn more about the Hist from the game book, The Seed.

  • Khajiit – an often hominid race who credit their own creation to the Daedra Prince Azura, from the same ancestral roots as Bosmer. She tied them to the ja-Kha'jay or 'lunar lattice' so that their individual forms would be dictated by the phases of the moons. The feline Khajiit originate from the arid northern wastelands and southern jungles of Elsweyr, in southern Tamriel.

    You can learn more about Khajiit from explanations given by Jobasha in the official source, Interview With Three Booksellers.

  • Nords (Men) – descendants of the men of Atmora that migrated to northern Tamriel in the early First Era. Nord traditions are resplendent with legendary heroes that battled their traditional enemies, elves and orcs, using the Thu’um, a powerful voice-magic. They are a hardy and warlike race, innovative woodcrafters, skilled sea farers and shrewd traders. Nords are naturally resistant to cold and thrive in the harsh climate of Skyrim.

    You can learn more about Nords from the game book, Children Of The Sky.

  • Orsimer (Pariah Folk, Orcs) – originally a tribe of Aldmer that venerated Trinimac the Champion of the Aedra. During the Merethic Era they became corrupted by the transformation of Trinimac into the Daedra Prince Malacath (Malauch) and were exiled from Summurset; eventually they founded the city-state of Orsinium near High Rock. Modern Orcs are stalwart warriors and widely respected for their service in the Imperial Legions; their armour is among the finest quality and most prized in Tamriel.

    You can learn more about Orsimer from the game book, The True Nature Of Orcs.

  • Redguards (from ‘Ra Gada’, Men) – the former inhabitants of the sunken continent of Yokuda, who migrated to Tamriel and settled in the Hammerfell region in the later First Era. Redguard culture developed in isolation from other races of men and their society is largely founded upon disciplined and self-reliant martial prowess. They are typically skilled sea farers and there are no finer warriors than Redguards in all of Tamriel.

    You can learn more about Redguards from the game book, Redguards, Their History and Their Heroes.

    You can also learn more about many of the races of Tamriel (and beyond), their classification, homelands and cultures from the official source, The Elder Scrolls Codex

    and from the game books,

    The Pocket Guide To The Empire

    Notes On Racial Phylogeny And Biology.

    Some other civilized races of note upon Nirn:

  • Imga – the Ape Men of Valenwood. Aspiring to be more like mer, they often shave their fur, wear Altmeri clothing and even adopt superior attitudes towards men and other beast races.

  • Kamal – the Snow Demons of Akavir that thaw out each year and attempt to overrun the Tang Mo. In the past, they have also attempted to invade Tamriel.

  • Ka Po’ Tun – the Tiger Folk of Akavir. The last of the Akaviri Dragons were destroyed long ago, during a war between the now Ka Po’ Tun and the Tsaesci. Now the Tiger Folk seek to become Dragons; their leader, Tosh Raka, has reputedly succeeded and is now the largest Dragon on Nirn.

  • Maormer (Tropical Elves) – originally outcast Aldmer, who now have a well established culture on the continent of Pyandonea. Their skin has a natural chameleon-like quality that tends to give them an unusual, colorless appearance.

  • Sload – a slug-like race despised by all of Tamriel for unleashing the Thrassian Plague which wiped out most of the inhabitants of Tamriel (ca.1E2200). Their homeland of Thras was subsequently sunk by a united Tamrielic armada and it was believed all had been killed, but some remain. They are slow and deliberate creatures with a very high aptitude for magic and a particular interest in necromancy.

  • Tang Mo – the hugely diverse Monkey Folk of the Akaviri archipelago. They have always managed to resist becoming enslaved by the other dominant races of Akavir. They do not appear to be related to the Imga.

  • Tsaesci – the Akaviri Serpent Folk credited with having eaten all of the Akaviri men and attempting to eat all of the Akaviri Dragons. During the First and Second Eras, Tsaesci were quite accepted in Tamriel and, for a substantial part of the Second Era, they controlled the Empire.

    You can learn more about the races of Akavir from the game book, Mysterious Akavir

    and from the unofficial article, Definitive Akavir.

    7. Where can I find out about gods and stuff?

    A collection of official sources, game books and unofficial studies about Elder Scrolls immortals and their roles are available at the sites,

    The Imperial Library: Tamriel Gods

    World Of Tamriel: Gods and Religion

    The Theoretical Whirling School Of Vivec.

    8. Who is Tiber Septim?

    Tiber Septim is the Imperial name taken by the first Emperor of the Third Era Cyrodilic Empire of Tamriel. His other titles include Stormcrown, Talos the Dragonborn and Ysmir, Dragon of the North. There are conflicting accounts of his origins, some report that he was born in Atmora, others High Rock and still others proclaim him as a Nord from Skyrim.

    He unified Tamriel at the end of the Second Era, negotiating an armistice of peace with Vivec of Morrowind and conquering the resistant Aldmeri Dominion with the Numidium, a gigantic Dwemeri golem of incredible power (see question 9. below). Tiber Septim died in 3E38, aged 108, and is now venerated as the ninth Divine of the Cyrodilic pantheon.

    You can learn more about Tiber Septim from the game book, The Pocket Guide To The Empire: Cyrodiil.

    9. What was the Numidium?

    Numidium was a massive automaton, forged in the First Era by Chief Dwemeri Tonal Architect Kagrenac as the new god of the Dwemer. Issues surrounding the construction of Numidium and its link to the Heart of Lorkhan were the principal causes of the War of the First Council (see question 13. below). Numidium later came into the possession of Tiber Septim who employed it in his conquest of Tamriel.

    Here is a brief timeline summarizing the historical events surrounding Numidium:

  • Pre 1E668 – Dwemeri tonal architect Kagrenac first constructs Numidium (Anumidium or Anumidum, The Brass God) intending to 'power' it with the Heart of Lorkhan.

  • ca.1E670 – Battle of Red Mountain, Numidium is destroyed or captured by Dunmeri forces, led by the later Tribunal.

  • 2E 864-896 – Tiber Septim learns of Numidium, and acquires it from Morrowind; either piece by piece or possibly through secret treaty with the Tribunal in return for self-government. Imperial Battlemage Zurin Arctus researches the construction and activation principles of Numidium - he prepares it for use and creates the Totem to control it.

  • 2E896 – Using the Mantella as its 'power source', Tiber Septim activates Numidium and employs it to conquer the Aldmeri Dominion and establish himself finally as Emperor of Tamriel.

  • Following the capitulation of Summurset, Numidium is destroyed in a battle with 'the Underking', a possibly undead entity of uncertain identity (see question 14. below).

  • 3E 1-ca.400 – Imperial agents collectively known as The Blades collect together and re-assemble the broken fragments of lost Numidium.

  • 3E401 – The lost Mantella is rediscovered by Nulfaga of Daggerfall, High Rock.

  • 3E 405-410 – The Totem is found by a personal agent of Emperor Uriel Septim VII and, as rumours spread of their discovery, various Tamrielic factions vie for control of this and the Mantella, and consequent control of Numidium.

  • 3E410 – Numidium is re-activated and a parallel reality paradox occurs whereupon the golem is employed by six different masters, to achieve six geographically separate series of tasks simultaneously. This phenomenon is known historically as the 'Warp of the West' or 'The Second Numidian Effect'.

  • After 3E410 – The whereabouts or state of Numidium are unknown.

  • 2E882-ca.3E427 – Working from Kagrenac's plans, Dagoth Ur constructs Akulakhan (Second Numidium) at Red Mountain also intending it to be 'powered' by the Heart of Lorkhan.

    10. What’s the deal with Nerevar?

    Lord Indoril Nerevar was the Chimeri King who led his people into peace with the Dwemer (ca.1E401) so that they might defeat their common enemy, the Nords. He and Dwemer King Dumac named their united land the Kingdom Of Resdayn and the peace they negotiated lasted about two hundred and fifty years, until it was shattered by the War of the First Council (see question 13. below) in which Nerevar was slain. In Morrowind, Nerevar is now venerated as the ‘Herald of the Triune Way’ and is the foremost saint of the Dunmeri pantheon.

    You can learn more about Nerevar from the game books,

    Nerevar Moon-and-Star

    The Real Nerevar.

    Dean of The Theoretical Whirling School Of Vivec

    The Whirling School | Academy for Dwemer Studies | TES Lore FAQ

    Edited by Archeopterix (05/27/04 07:19 PM)

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  • Nigedo

    Reged: 05/29/03
    Posts: 2594
    Loc: Deep beneath Vvardenfell
    Re: Elder Scrolls Lore FAQ [Re: Nigedo]
          #1892566 - 10/24/03 12:10 AM

    11. Who are the Tribunal?

    The Tribunal, or ALMSIVI, are the three god-kings of Morrowind; Vivec, Sotha Sil and Almalexia. They were the personal advisors of Chimeri King Nerevar before he was slain at the Battle of Red Mountain (ca.1E700, see question 13. below). Their apotheosis followed soon after and they have been worshipped as the ‘true gods’ of Morrowind ever since.

    You can learn more about the Tribunal from the game book, Fellowship of the Temple.

    12. What happened to the Dwemer (Dwarves)?

    Almost the entire race disappeared, suddenly and mysteriously (ca.1E700). This is a subject that is further complicated by conflicting reports of the circumstances of their disappearance.

    The most consistent accounts appear to suggest that the Dwemer were either destroyed or transported to another time or plane of existence, in the midst of the Battle of Red Mountain through the actions of their High Priest Kagrenac in relation to the Heart of Lorkhan.

    For more information see question 13. below.

    13. What was the Battle of Red Mountain all about?

    This battle was the final conflict of the War of the First Council which was fought across the land of Resdayn (now Morrowind) in the earlier part of the First Era. The opposing Chimer and Dwemer armies met at the volcanic mountain, Vvardenfell, which was the location of the last great stronghold of the Dwemer. There are many contradictory accounts of this battle, but the essential outcomes were the conclusive victory of the Chimer and the sudden disappearance of the Dwemer.

    You can learn more about the Battle of Red Mountain and the disappearance of the Dwemer from the game books,

    The Battle of Red Mountain, and the Rise and Fall of the Tribunal

    The Five Songs Of King Wulfharth

    Kagrenac’s Tools

    Nerevar at Red Mountain

    The War of the First Council.

    14. Who is the Underking?

    The Underking is a powerful individual of uncertain identity, who has been quietly feared throughout Tamriel during the course of the Third Era. He is believed to command undead servants and most common folk perceive him to be an ancient lich or a necromantic mage. Some scholars have linked the Underking to Zurin Arctus, Imperial Battlemage of Tiber Septim, and have said that the energy within the Mantella used to power the Numidium, was actually the trapped life force of Arctus, which prevented him from dying after a natural time. A conflicting viewpoint understands the Underking to be an ancient Nord hero called both Wulfharth and Ysmir, who has had several incarnations.

    You can learn more about the controversy surrounding the Underking from the reliable source, The Story of Daggerfall

    and from the game book, The Arcturian Heresy

    15. Who are Maruhk and the Maruhkati Selective?

    Maruhk was a “monkey prophet” who claimed to have visions of Queen (later Saint) Alessia, who had led the liberation of the earliest Cyrodiils from their elven overlords (ca.1E243). During the First Era, his strict teachings were enforced throughout much of Tamriel under the theocratic rule of the Alessian Order.

    The Maruhkati Selective was a fanatical Alessian sect of the First Era, who apparently caused the Dragon Break by magically attempting to separate the elven god Auriel from Akatosh, the Cyrodilic Divine.

    16. What the heck is the Dragon Break?

    The Dragon Break refers to a temporary disruption of the normal flow of time (the sphere of Auriel or Akatosh, the Dragon god) that may have occurred during the First Era. In a general sense, the term ‘dragon break’ is also often used to describe any similar idea of a temporal disruption (e.g. the 'Warp of the West', see question 9. above), although the historic Break is the only universal example of this phenomenon that has been documented.

    You can find out more about the Dragon Break from the game books,

    Where were you when the Dragon Broke?

    The Dragon Break Reexamined

    and from the unofficial reports,

    Dragon Broke Study

    Incident At Rimmen.

    17. Who are the Psijics?

    The most ancient monastic community of Tamriel; they inhabit the Isle of Artaeum near the Summurset Isles. The first mention of the Psijic Order was recorded in the year 1E 20 by the Breton sage Voernet, who travelled to Artaeum to meet with the Psijic Rite Master, Iachesis.

    Artaeum disappeared from Tamriel at the beginning of the Second Era, about the time the Mages Guild was founded, and reappeared 500 years later. No one has ever explained this disappearance, or what happened to Iachesis and his council.

    Although the Psijics continue to act as counsellors for royalty, their presence and use is not as widespread as it was in the past. Legend holds that the Psijic Order once magically summoned a storm which destroyed the naval fleet of King Orgnum of the Maormer (ca.3E110).

    You can learn more about the Psijics from the game books,

    On Artaeum

    The Old Ways

    and from the reliable source, The Road To Cyrodiil.

    18. What Elder Scrolls games were released before TESIII: Morrowind and what happened in them?

    TES: Arena was released in 1994.
    TESII: Daggerfall was released in 1996.
    TES Legend: Battlespire was released in 1997.
    TES Adventures: Redguard was released in 1998.

    Here is a brief summary of the setting for each game:

    TES: Arena (3E 389 - 399)
    Emperor Uriel Septim VII is betrayed by the imperial battlemage Jagar Tharn and imprisoned in a dimension that Tharn creates using the Staff of Chaos. Tharn then uses his magic of illusion to assume the Emperor's aspect. For the next ten years, Tharn abuses Imperial privileges, but discontinues Uriel VII's schedule of re-conquest. Eventually a hero steps forward to defeat him and free the true Emperor.

    TESII: Daggerfall (3E 405)
    A personal agent of Uriel Septim VII, ordered to the Iliac Bay to investigate the death of King Lysandus and to find a missing letter that the Emperor had sent to the Queen of Daggerfall, becomes embroiled in a complex weave of political struggles. His adventures peak when he recovers the lost Mantella, the power source of the great Numidium.

    TES Legend: Battlespire (sometime between 3E 389 - 399)
    The Daedra Lord Mehrunes Dagon takes control of the Battlespire, the extra-planar proving ground of the Imperial Battlemages, destroying or possessing all of the mages inside. A young initiate arrives at the Battlespire gates and quickly realises that, to survive and return to Tamriel, he must somehow overcome the Daedric terror within.

    TES Adventures: Redguard (2E 864)
    The Redguard Cyrus, and his sister Iszara, lead a rebellion against Imperial forces on the island of Stros M’Kai, off the coast of Hammerfell. Together they must destroy the Imperial fleet in the harbour and defeat the Imperial Legion, both commanded by Lord Admiral Amiel Richton, representative of the Emperor Tiber Septim.

    For more information about these games visit these official sites,

    Arena Overview

    Daggerfall Overview

    Battlespire Overview

    Battlespire Website

    Redguard Overview

    Redguard Website

    TES Past Games Forum

    19. What is the Staff of Chaos?

    The Staff of Chaos is hugely powerful, ancient artifact that once lay hidden, and magically protected, in the catacombs beneath Mournhold. Jagar Tharn, the Imperial Battlemage of Emperor Uriel Septim VII (ca.3E389), disguised himself as a common bard and tricked the Dunmer Queen Barenziah into helping him to retrieve the Staff.

    Tharn used the Staff of Chaos to transport the Emperor and his personal guard to another plane (see question 18. above) and then broke the Staff into eight pieces, concealing one piece in each province of the Empire. A hero, now remembered as the Eternal Champion, collected these pieces, defeated Jagar Tharn and used the reassembled Staff of Chaos to release the Emperor. The present whereabouts of the Staff is unknown.

    You can learn more about the Staff of Chaos and Jagar Tharn’s deception from the game books, The Real Barenziah.

    20. What is the Eye Of Argonia?

    The Eye of Argonia is a priceless gem that also serves as a key to the Lost City of Black Marsh. Little more is known about either the gem or the City. (Eye of Argonia was also the name that Bethesda gave to a follow up game to TES Adventures: Redguard that was designed but never developed.)

    This FAQ was produced by a large group of this forum’s regular users.

    A loremaster is just someone who has read more game books than you have.

    Dean of The Theoretical Whirling School Of Vivec

    The Whirling School | Academy for Dwemer Studies | TES Lore FAQ

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